Buckethead Pike Album Reviews by Natternet
Below you'll find the most honest, accurate and unbias ratings of Buckethead's ongoing extensive Pike album series. These albums have been rated by Natternet, a Buckethead fan since 2002 who has heard Buckethead's entire known discography (currently standing at over 400+ albums).
There are also videos of each rated Pike with song samples which can be viewed by clicking each albums cover art.
These ratings are based on the classic 5 star rating system shown below.
⭐ 1-20 % = Poor
⭐⭐ 20- 40 % = Below Average
⭐⭐⭐ 40-60 % = Average
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 60-80 % = Good
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 80-100 % = Awesome!
Pike 1 'It's Alive'
Pike 1 'It's Alive' ⭐⭐⭐3⁄4 (55%, Average)
1. Lebrontron ***** (5)
2. Tonka ***¼ (3.25)
3. Peeling Out 0 (0)
4. Barnyard Banties *3⁄4 (1.75)
5. Crack the Sky ***** (5)
6. The Hatch ** (2)
7. Brooding Peeps **** (4)
8. Picking the Feathers * (1)
Rating = 63.5% Good (without including track 3) 55% (with Track 3)
Score = 22.25 out of 35
Overall Pike 1 is a tale of two halves, 4 songs are instant favourites whilst the other 4 songs are instantly forgettable and ones you'll never revisit again.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 2 'Empty Space'
Pike 2 'Empty Space' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (65.5%, Good)
1. Comb and Wattles *** (3)
2. Wormers **** (4)
3. Empty Space ** (2)
4. Dummy Egg ***¾ (3.75)
5. Pullets **** (4)
6. Perched **** (4)
7. Hatched **** (4)
8. Portable Pen **½ (2.5)
9. Leghorn **¼ (2.25)
10.Scrape the Dirt Off (unrated)
Rating = 65.5% Good (excluding track 10)
Score= 29.5 out of 45
Overall, Pike 2 is an enjoyable album showcasing Buckethead's experimental side and is one of the better Pikes from the earlier releases. Of the 9 songs included in the rating, only 3 don't quite hit the mark with the rest being pretty excellent, notably the middle section of the album. Experimental albums are always hit and miss, that's why they're experimental, but this one is definitely a hit. Great riffs, fantastic compositions, especially tracks 2, 5, 6 & 7. And a special mention to Dan 'Brewer' Monti for the drum and effects programming which are outstanding throughout and arguably some of the best of the entire pike series.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 3 '3 Foot Clearance'
Pike 3 '3 Foot Clearance' ⭐⭐⭐¾ (58.5%, Average)
1. Griffin's Spike **** (4)
2. Rammelzee – Hero of the Abyss ***½ (3.5)
3. Floating Graveyard ***¾ (3.75)
4. Ballad of Jerry Mono *** (3)
5. H.D Autopsy ***¼ (3.25)
6. Droid Hunt **¾ (2.75)
7. Battlefields ***¼ (3.25)
8. Handprint Ornament ****¼ (4.25)
9. Three Headed Guardian ***¼ (3.25)
10. Harpoon the Goon ***½ (3.5)
11. Critical Leg Assignment ** (2)
12. Siamese Butterfly *½ (1.5)
13. X-Ray 0
Rating = 58.5%, Average
Total = 38 out of 65
Overall Pike 3 is a good album that was severely let down in the ratings by the final 3 tracks, dragging it down to an 'Average' score.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 6 'Balloon Cement'
Pike 6 'Balloon Cement' ⭐⭐¾ (37.5%, Below Average)
1. Balloon Cement ** ½ (2.5)
2. Red Water Colors **¼ (2.25)
3. Transport Void * (1)
4. Thistle Museum *¼ (1.25)
5. Alligator Eye Viewer *¼ (1.25)
6. Veil of Tinfoil ***¼ (3.25)
7. Chestplate * (1)
8. Vast Mound *½ (1.25)
9. Replacement Nail ***¾ (3.75)
10. Shatter Shell **½ (2.5)
11. Bridge to Borg * (1)
12. Evaporate *½ (1.5)
Rating = 37.5%, Below Average
Score= 22.5 out of 60
I didn't enjoy this album when it first came out and after revisiting it for this review, my feelings towards it haven't changed. Other than tracks 6 & 9 this is an album that only a super niche (or bias) audience will enjoy.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 7 'Shores of Molokai'
Pike 7 'The Shores of Molokai' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (70%, Very Good)
1. Intro (excluded)
2. Shores of Molokai ****¼ (4.25)
3. The 5 Masters of Decapitation ***¼ (3.25)
4. Henry's New Home ***½ (3.5)
5. Counter Clockwise ****¼ (4.25)
6. Stumps on Stilts ***½ (3.5)
7. Mannequins are my friend *** (3)
8. Smile Without a Face ***¼ (3.25)
9. Hatchet **¾ (2.75)
10. Thermal Exhaust Port *** (3)
11. The Melting Man ****¼ (4.25)
Rating = 70%, Very Good!
Score= 35 out of 50
Solid album. An enjoyable listen from start to finish. No bad tracks. Highly recommended.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 8 'Racks'
Pike 8 'Racks' ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (61%, Good)
1. The Snow Rabbit *** (3)
2. Telekinite ***½ (3.5)
3. Asbury Park Boardwalk **½ (2.5)
4. Castle of Dr Cadaver **¾ (2.75)
5. Sunbursts ***** (5)
6. Chamber of Slunks **¼ (2.25)
7. Spiderwall *½ (1.5)
8. Coffin for a Penny **¾ (2.75)
9. Fomahaut **¼ (2.25)
10. The Patrolman ***** (5)
Rating = 61%, Good
Total = 30.5 out of 50
Pike 8 has it's highs and lows, but when it reaches those highs (track 5 &10) its outstanding. At 61% it just reached a 4 star rating.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 9 'March of the Slunks'
Pike 9 'March of the Slunks' ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (62%, Good)
1. Magellan's Maze ***½ (3.5)
2. Burying Toys ***¼ (3.25)
3. Malbert's Strut ***½ (3.5)
4. Happy Landings **¾ (2.75)
5. The Robot Who Lost It's Head ***½ (3.5)
6. Thud ** (2)
7. Satellite Invaders ***¾ (3.75)
8. The Other Side of the Island ***¼ (3.25)
9. Ghost Coop **** (4)
10. The Raid **¼ (2.25)
11. Vault **¼ (2.25)
Rating = 62%, Good
Total = 34 out of 55
A similar rating to Pike 8, Pike 9 is solid throughout. Unlike Pike 8 it doesn't have any 5 star songs but is a slightly more enjoyable listen from start to finish.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 10 'Silent Picture Book'
Pike 10 'The Silent Picture Book' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (80.5%, Awesome)
1. Dweller by the Dark Stream ***½ (3.5)
2. Blind Cyclops **** (4)
3. Flea Market *** (3)
4. Three Steps *** (3)
5. Beam of Omega **** (4)
6. Whiribird ****¾ (4.75)
7. Ropelight ***** (5)
8. Flashes ** (2)
9. Melting Man Part 2 ***** (5)
Rating =80.5% (5 star Awesome)
Score = 32.25 out of 40 (not inc. track 8)
A 5 star classic! With two 5 star songs and three 4+ star songs. Awesome!
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 11 'Forgotten Library'
Pike 11 'Forgotten Library' ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (63%, Good)
1. Disintegration ***¼ (3.25)
2. Corpse be Animated ***½ (3.5)
3. Faded from View **** (4)
4. Yellowed Pages *½ (1.5)
5. Beginning Putrification ****¼ (4.25)
6. Decay ***½ (3.5)
7. Forgotten Library ** (2)
Rating = 63% Good
Total = 22 out of 35
Overall Pike 11 'Forgotten Library' is a solid album, has a great flow and an excellent mix of Neo classical, heavy metal, blues and acoustic guitar. With 'Faded from View' and 'Beginning Putrification' being the albums stand outs.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 12 'Propellar'
Pike 12 'Propellar' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (65%, Good)
1. Propellar ***¾ (3.75)
2. Rooms of Shells **½ (2.5)
3. Meeting of the Mummy ***½ (3.5)
4. The Poultry Show ****¼ (4.25)
5. Launched ***¼ (3.25)
6. Dome **¼ (2.25)
Rating= 65% Good
Score= 19.5 out of 30
Overall Pike 12 is one of the more diverse pikes out there covering everything from funk to blues to rock to ambient and more. Sometimes having so many different genres going on can take away from the album, but it definitely works here and makes it an overall enjoyable listen. There's no bad tracks and there's plenty on display to binge on.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 14 'The Mark of Davis'
Pike 14 'The Mark of Davis' ⭐⭐¾ (38%, Below Average)
1. Ricochet *** (3)
2. Nebula *** (3)
3. The Canals *** (3)
4. Chickenphant *¼ (1.25)
5. Dry Ice Screeches ¼ (0.25)
6. Death Star Surface **½ (2.5)
7. Tree of Lanterns ** (2)
8. Elephicken ¼ (0.25)
Rating = 38% Below Average
Total = 15.25 out of 40
The first 3 tracks are a decent listen, but from track 4 onwards the quality dips horrendously, with the production value almost non-existent feeling as though they were recorded on a 1998 mp3 player in the next room. If not for tracks 1-3, this would be a DUD.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 20 'Thaw'
Pike 20 'Thaw' ⭐⭐⭐¾ (59%, Average)
1. Thaw **¾ (2.75)
2. Melting Season ***¼ (3.25)
3. Room of Frozen Combs **½ (2.5)
4. Kept in Batteries *** (3)
5. Dry ***¼ (3.25)
6. Fragmented **¾ (2.75)
7. Dust Filter ***¼ (3.25)
8. In the Bin ***½ (3.5)
9. Fountains in a Wire **¼ (2.25)
Rating = 59% Average
Total = 26.5 out of 45
Overall, Pike 20 is an up and down Pike. The drums throughout are solid and suit the album perfectly, and there really is a lot of excellent riffs, but dare I say, there's also quite a bit of filler. The songs that have structure are far more enjoyable and it's obvious within seconds which ones they are.
Even though its not a standout Pike, there's 5 tracks that I often come back to, but those tracks only make up 12.5 minutes of the 32 minute album. And, that's kind of the problem.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 23 'Telescape'
Pike 23 'Telescape' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¾ (78.5%, Very Good)
1. Pyramids Rising *** (3)
2. Between Sea and Sky ***¼ (3.25)
3. Land Drawings ***¾ (3.75)
4. Launch Pad ****½ (4.5)
5. Telescape 1 ***** (5)
6. Telescape 2 **** (4)
Rating = 78.5% Very Good
Score = 23.5 out of 30
Pike 23 is easily accessible, there's not a weak track on the album and as far as the albums flow, enjoyment and uniqueness, it's one of the better Pike albums Buckethead has ever produced. Narrowly missing out on 5 stars, but on another day, perhaps!
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 24 'Slug Cartilage'
Pike 24 'Slug Cartilage' ⭐⭐⭐½ (51.5%, Average)
1. Four ton chandelier **¾ (2.75)
2. Scowl Owl *** (3)
3. Previous Plate ***½ (3.5)
4. Chip of Red ***¼ (3.25)
5. Pine Sap **¾ (2.75)
6. Smudge Mad **½ (2.5)
7. Zebra Stripe **½ (2.5)
8. Slug Cartilage ** (2)
9. I, Wasnail * (1)
Rating = 51.5%, Average
Score = 23.25 out of 45
Overall Pike 24 starts off pretty decent with its first 4 tracks but fades towards the latter part of the album. There's far from any 4 or 5 star songs and there's no guitar solo's at all, not that every album needs them, but this one definitely did.
As a heavy metal Pike, Buckethead has done far better. As background music whilst working out, it works. As a metal album to sit down and enjoy, not so much.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 26 'Worms for the Garden'
Pike 26 'Worms for the Garden' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (80%, Awesome)
1. Worms for the Garden ***** (5)
2. Ridge Roll **** (4)
3. Owl on the Road ***¼ (3.25)
4. Learned the Land **** (4)
5. Molt ***3⁄4 (3.75)
Rating = 80%, Awesome
Score= 20 out of 25
Worms for the Gardens is a top notch album that has an excellent, consistent flow. An album for those that like Buckethead's heavier side, this one is right up there with the best of them. The title track is an instant 5 star classic!
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 28 'Feathers'
Pike 28 'Feathers' ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (63.5%, Good)
1. Feathers ***¼ (3.25)
2. Claw Station *** (3)
3. Mill ***½ (3.5)
4. Faded ***3⁄4 (3.75)
5. Cactus Spines *** (3)
6. Lake Whisperer *** (3)
7. Rooster Row **3⁄4 (2.75)
Rating = 63.5%, Good
Score= 22.25 out of 35
Overall Pike 28 is definitely one of Buckethead's sleeper Pikes. One that rarely gets a mention but is a pretty solid album from start to finish with a lot going on. Sure it doesn't have any 4 or 5 star classic songs but as a whole, as an album, it's an enjoyable ride helped along by some solid drums tracks.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 30 'Mannequin Cemetery'
Pike 30 'Mannequin Cemetery' ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (62%, Good)
1. Melted Glasses ***½ (3.5)
2. Purse of Holes **¾ (2.75)
3. Cobwebs in the Calf ***¼ (3.25)
4. Faded Fingernail Polish *** (3)
5. Hat that smells like an Old Bookstore **¾ (2.75)
6. Where Rings were *** (3.25)
7. Piles of Parts ***½ (3.5)
8. Shoes without Socks ***¼ (3.25)
9. Mannequin Cemetery **¾ (2.75)
Rating = 62%, Good
Total = 28 out of 45
Overall, Pike 30 Mannequin Cemetery is definitely one for metalheads, and although it doesn't have the wow factor or any 4 or 5 star songs, its solid and consistent throughout. With tracks 1 & 7 'Melted Glasses' & 'Piles of Parts' being the standouts.
Personally I find the songs far more enjoyable when played on their own, mixed in with other pike songs, rather than listening to the whole album from start to finish. Because by the end, the songs might start to feel like their “much of a muchness”.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 35 'Thank You Ohlinger's'
Pike 35 'Thank You Ohlinger's' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (66%, Good)
1. Thank You Ohlinger's ***3⁄4 (3.75)
2. Unopened Boxes *** (3)
3. Way in the Back ***¼ (3.25)
4. Manila Envelopes ***½ (3.5)
5. Alphabetical Order **½ (2.5)
6. Window Clip ***½ (3.5)
7. Shoe Lock ***¼ (3.25)
8. Telling Number ***½ (3.5)
Rating = 66%, Good
Score= 26.25 out of 40
Overall the word solid would be the best way to describe Pike 35. It's definitely an album of riffs, with only one short solo on the entire album. Even though it might not have any 4 or 5 star classic songs, there's not a bad track on the album, and from start to finish it's enjoyable and consistent in its delivery.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 36 'The Pit'
Pike 36 'The Pit' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (68%, Good)
1. The Pit Part 1 ***3⁄4 (3.75)
2. The Pit Part 2 ***¼ (3.25)
3. The Pit Part 3 ***½ (3.5)
4. The Pit Part 4 *** (3)
5. The Pit Part 5 *** (3)
6. The Pit Part 6 ***¼ (3.25)
7. The Pendulum **** (4)
Rating = 68%, Good
Score= 23.75 out of 35
Overall Pike 36 is solid and consistent. Good drums, great tone with heavy riffage that's really helped by it's reverb effect. The album starts off strong, slightly dips towards the middle but certainly not by much, and picks right back up to end on a high note. An enjoyable album indeed.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 37 'Hollowed Out'
Pike 37 'Hollowed Out' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (68%, Good)
1. Low Rolling Hills ***¼ (3.25)
2. Lobster Hands ***½ (3.5)
3. One Foot in Front of the Other *** ½ (3.5)
4. Sideways Jaw Trap ***¼ (3.25)
5. Mosquito on Stilts *** (3)
6. Trading Post **** (4)
7. Cyborg Parking **¾ (2.75)
8. Hollowed Out **** (4)
Rating = 68% Good
Score= 27.25 out of 40
Overall, Pike 37 is one of the better flowing Pike albums released up to that point. There's no bad tracks, and the production, drums and guitar tone are particularly excellent
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 39 'Twisterlend'
Pike 39 'Twisterlend' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (73.5%, Very Good)
1. The Closed Triptych ***** (5)
2. Ghouls of the Sea ***½ (3.5)
3. Canal System ***½ (3.5)
4. Forbidden Fold ***½ (3.5)
5. Gloomy Emptiness ***¼ (3.25)
6. Bowling for Slaughters ***½ (3.5)
7. Twisterlend ***½ (3.5)
Rating = 73.5% Very Good
Score= 25.75 out of 35
'Twisterlend' is a solid, thoroughly enjoyable and consistent album. Heavy riffs intertwined with maniacal shred like only Buckethead can deliver. The Closed Triptych is easily the best track and the rest of the album doesn't disappoint. It's a Pike that really doesn't get enough praise.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 40 'Coat of Charms'
Pike 40 'Coat of Charms' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (73%, Very Good)
1. Hall of Aluminum ***¼ (3.25)
2. Coat of Charms **** (4)
3. Jettison Part 1 ***¾ (3.75)
4. Jettison Part 2 ***¼ (3.25)
5. Jettison Part 3 *** (3)
6. Jettison Part 4 ***½ (3.5)
7. Jettison Part 5 ***½ (3.5)
8. Jettison Part 6 ***¼ (3.25)
Jettison suite as a whole *** ¾ (3.75)
Rating = 69% or 73%, Good (with Jettison rated as 1 song)
Score= 27.5 out of 40
Overall Pike 40 has no weak points, is consistent throughout and an enjoyable album from start to finish. Definitely an album that has to be enjoyed as a whole rather than breaking up songs individually.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 45 'Coats of Claude'
Pike 45 'Coats of Claude' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (66%, Good)
1. The Coats of Claude ***** (5)
2. Ghost in the Rocking Chair *** (3)
3. Animatronic Party Goers **¾ (2.75)
4. Dancing Backwards *** ¼ (3.25)
5. Forked Beak *** (3)
6. Dimly Backlit Eyeballs *** (3)
7. Headless Reflection *** (3)
Rating = 66% Good
Score= 23 out of 35
Pike 45 begins with a 5 star classic which the rest of the album could never compete with. That being said, the remaining tracks are all solid and enjoyable.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 48 'Hide in the Pickling Jar'
Pike 48 'Hide in the Pickling Jar' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (65%, Good)
1. Hide in the Pickling Jar *** ¼ (3.25)
2. Countersunk *** ¼ (3.25)
3. Squirrel on a Perch *** ¼ (3.25)
4. Sabertooth Saw *** ¼ (3.25)
Rating = 65%, Good
Score= 13 out of 20
Pike 48 is a pure jam album. It doesn't have a single solo but there's plenty of slow head banging riffage to make up for it. None of the songs are near 4 or 5 star classics, but don't let that put you off. If you like hearing Buckethead getting loose, jamming and having fun, then you'll like this one.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 51 'Claymation Courtyard'
Pike 51 'Claymation Courtyard' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (82.5%, Awesome!)
1. Claymation Courtyard ***¾ (3.75)
2. Disintegration Mirrors ***** (5)
3. Chainsaw Slide **¾ (2.75)
4. Eerie Canal ***** (5)
Rating = 82.5% Awesome!
Score= 16.5 out of 20
Instant 5 star classic! A four song album, two songs of which are easy 5 star classics!
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 52 - Factory
Pike 52 'Factory' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (66.5%, Good)
Pike 52 'Factory' RATINGS (out of 5)
1. Factory Q **¾ (2.75)
2. Factory R ***½ (3.5)
3. Factory S ***¼ (3.25)
4. Factory T *** (3)
5. Factory U ***½ (3.5)
6. Factory V ***½ (3.5)
7. Factory W ***¼ (3.25)
8. Factory X ***½ (3.5)
9. Factory Y ***½ (3.5)
10.Factory Z ***½ (3.5)
Rating = 66.5% Good
Total = 33.25 out of 50
Overall Pike 52 is a very enjoyable album. The backing tracks, rhythm and drum beats deserve an honorable mention, being solid throughout, and for this style of album are as good as any of the earlier pikes. The constant change in styles, vibe and genres might throw some people off at first, but once you become aware of it, you begin to love it. And whilst I don't think any of the tracks are 4 or 5 star classics, the innovation and creativity is right up there. From start to finish, Pike 52 delivers and is one of the more unsung gems in the Pike album series.
Buy the album HERE (official site)
Full song breakdown here
Pike 54 'The Frankensteins
Monsters Blinds'
Pike 54 'The Frankensteins Monsters Blinds' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¾ (75%, Very Good!)
1. Boris ***¾ (3.75)
2. Kar ***½ (3.5)
3. Loff **** (4)
Rating = 75% Very Good!
Score= 11.25 out of 15
Overall Pike 54 is a pure jam album. And whilst jam albums ain't everyones cup of tea, when Buckethead does it right, he nails it. All 3 tracks are really helped by their backing, rhythm, bass and drums which are all on point. And changing the tempo of each track assures the album doesn't become one long tiresome jam. This certainly isn't one of those wow albums, but it is a fun one that you can put on and enjoy. So, mission accomplished.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 56 'Cycle'
Pike 56 'Cycle' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (73%, Very Good!)
1. Repair Station ***½ (3.5)
2. Cycle ***¾ (3.75)
3. Replacement Decal ***¾ (3.75)
Rating = 73% Very Good!
Score= 11 out of 15
Overall, Pike 56 is an enjoyable album that's subtle, chill and relaxing and especially great as background music without being too distracting. It might not get into 4th or 5th gear or set the world on fire but this isn't the albums intent. It's chill music there to chill you out, and that's exactly what it does. So, mission accomplished. And as mentioned, if you're looking for something similar but more uptempo and somewhat flashier, then visit the superior Pike 58 'Outpost' which feels somewhat like a sequel.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 58 'Outpost'
Pike 58 'Outpost' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¾ (76%, Very Good!)
1. Outpost **** (4)
2. Minor Domo ****½ (4.5)
3. Electric Umbrella *** (3)
4. Pressed Pennies ***½ (3.5)
5. Look Through **** (4)
Rating = 76% Very Good!
Score= 19 out of 25
Pike 58 from start to finish is easily one of the more enjoyable Pike albums out there. Going from foot stomping funk to futurism, it has tons of personality and feels one of the more unique Pike albums alongside the likes of 'Telescape', where, by the albums end you can't help but say 'that was different'.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 58 'Outpost'
Pike 59 'Ydrapoej' ⭐ (0-40% Poor/Below Average)
1. ID 1 unrated
2. ID 2 unrated
3. ID 3 unrated
4. ID 4 unrated
5. ID 5 unrated
6. ID 6 unrated
7. ID 7 unrated
8. ID 8 unrated
9. ID 9 unrated
10. ID 10 unrated
Rating = 0-40%, Poor/ Below Average
Score = n/a
Overall, Pike 59 is arguably Buckethead's most off the wall, erratic and scattered album not just in the Pike series, but maybe of all his albums. It's beyond experimental. Like changing radio stations every 15 seconds and recording it for 3 minutes, 10 times. Whilst I'm glad it exists and certainly admire it for being different and creative like only Buckethead can be, does it work? For me, it doesn't and becomes quite a hard listen. But, in the famous words of Marty Mcfly “I guess you guys aren't ready for it yet”. And I'm probably not.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 64 'Aquarium'
Pike 64 'Aquarium' ⭐⭐⭐¾ (57%, Average)
1. Aquarium **¼ (2.25)
2. Without Form **½ (2.5)
3. Attention Electric Cyclone *** (3)
4. Beyond the Windmill ***¼ (3.25)
5. Hooper Feeding Mash ***¼ (3.25)
Rating = 57%, Average
Score= 14.25 out of 25
Overall, Pike 64 feels really disjointed, it doesn't flow well as an album and the drums are really all over the place. But even though it starts off fairly weak with its first two tracks, it picks up as the album goes along and has good points like tracks 4 & 5. None of the songs are even close to being 4 or 5 star tracks and therefore it might not be an album you'll revisit that often.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 72 'Closed Attractions'
Pike 72 'Closed Attractions' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (82%, Awesome!)
1. Closed Attractions **** (4)
2. Mecha Slunk Roller Coaster ****½ (4.5)
3. Stump Cars **** (4)
4. Lantern Alley ***¾ (3.75)
5. Antler Hill ****¼ (4.25)
Rating - 82%, Awesome!
Score= 20.5 out of 25
Overall, when it comes to feeling and emotion, Pike 72 is one of the best pike albums out there. The flow of the album is excellent and every song delivers something different whilst sticking with it's overall chill vibe. I have to admit that not all of Buckethead's slow chill albums do it for me, but this one definitely does.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 76 'Caterpillar'
Pike 76 'Caterpillar' ⭐⭐⭐¾ (57%, Average)
1. Reprint *** (3)
2 Fountain *** (3)
3 Hot Wheels **¾ (2.75)
4 Caterpillar ***½ (3.5)
5 Mr. Toad's Wait Time *½ (1.5)
6 Ring ***¼ (3.25)
7 Dream Machine *¾ (1.75)
8 Skizzy's Hot Rod ***¾ (3.75)
Rating = 57% Average
Score= 22.5 out of 40
Overall, Pike 76 was as an album that was full of potential but didn't quite reach it. Some guitar solo's certainly would've helped, but the album doesn't have any. And after a while It's slow plodding rock soon becomes much of a muchness. I can definitely see why some people will enjoy this one far more than I do, but with the exception of the final track, it didn't quite get me going enough or get my foot stomping like it was intended to do. Or like the final track did.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 79 'Geppetos Trunk'
Pike 79 'Geppetos Trunk' ⭐⭐⭐¾ (59%, Average)
1. Geppetos Trunk **¾ (2.75)
2. Yellow Brick Mold *** (3)
3. South Chamber of Pit *** ¼ (3.25)
4. Solar Sled ***¼ (3.25)
5. Landlakes *** (3)
6. Eyesblink **¾ (2.75)
7. Emotion Detecter **¾ (2.75)
Rating - 59% Average
Score= 20.75 out of 35
Overall, Pike 79 has some nice riffage and moments sprinkled throughout but doesn't quite reach it's full potential to where the songs reach that next level. Similar to Pike 30 'Mannequin Cemetery' I find the songs to be far more enjoyable when mixed in with other Pike songs, rather than listening to the album as a whole from start to finish. It's certainly not a standout pike. Its not bad.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 82 'Calamity Cabin'
Pike 82 'Calamity Cabin' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (65%, Good)
1. Calamity Cabin **¾ (2.75)
2. Walking in Circles ***½ (3.5)
3. The Forest Sings ***¼ (3.25)
4. Downpour **¾ (2.75)
5. What a Weird Room ***½ (3.5)
6. Found in the Tomb ***¼ (3.25)
7. Hollow Door ***½ (3.5)
8. Beware of Quicksand ***½ (3.5)
Rating - 65% Good
Score= 26 out of 40
Overall, Pike 82 is an album of pure metal riffage and one of the better heavier albums released by Buckethead. There's not a single solo on the album and it really doesn't need them. And unlike the similar metal offering of Pike 30's 'Mannequin Cemetery' where metal song after metal song can become quite tiresome when things aren't changed up that much, this is one that can be enjoyed track after track as an album without it feeling much of a muchness. Heavy metal and frantic drums aren't everyone's cup of tea but this is a far more accessible metal album than some of Buckethead's other metal Pikes.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 89
The Time Travelers Dream
Pike 89 'The Time Travelers Dream' ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (63%, Good)
1. Channel 1 *** (3)
2. Channel 2 ***¼ (3.25)
3. Channel 3 **¾ (2.75)
4. Channel 4 *** (3)
5. Channel 5 ***¼ (3.25)
6. Channel 6 ***½ (3.5)
7. Channel 7 **½ (2.5)
8. Channel 8 ***½ (3.5)
9. Channel 9 ***½ (3.5)
Rating = 63% Good
Score= 28.25 out of 45
Overall, Pike 89 definitely has shades of the excellent Pike 23 'Telescape', though not as strong, and as a concept album, it works well, musters up some space and sci-fi imagery and is an enjoyable listen.
The dream might feel a little long as the tracks go by, but channel 9 wraps things up perfectly, making the journey worth it.
Individually the songs might not be ones you'll revisit that much, but that's not their purpose, this is meant to be heard as a whole, as an album, as one continuous dream. In which case, it works.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 94 Magic Lantern
Pike 94 'Magic Lantern' ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (62%, Good)
1. Magic Lantern 3.5
2. Chess Roof 3.25
3. First Corridor 2.5
4. Wind from Where 2.75
5. Land of the Lanterns 3.5
Rating = 62% Good
Score = 15.5 out of 25
Overall, Pike 94 isn't one of the better flowing Pike albums. The first 2 tracks lead with some outstanding riffs, the following 2 tracks are funk jams that Buckethead has done multiple times before but better, with the final track being an enjoyable crawl. Its certainly not a bad album, it's Okay, but it's not one that I revisit often, and is far better suited throwing tracks 1, 2 & 5 in with other Pike songs, and setting your ipod to shuffle.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 97 'Passageways'
Pike 97 'Passageways' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (70%, Very Good)
1. Passageway 1 *** (3)
2. Passageway 2 ***½ (3.5)
3. Passageway 3 ***¾ (3.75)
4. Passageway 4 ***¼ (3.25)
5. Passageway 5 **** (4)
Rating = 70%, Very Good
Score= 17.5 out of 25
Overall, Pike 97 is one of the many multiple part suites that Buckethead nails, especially parts 3 & 5. Each track builds nicely until its longest, best and final track, there's some excellent rhythm and lead guitar work on display, the drums are minimal and the change in tones from melancholy to uplifting works effectively.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 99 'Polar Trench'
Pike 99 'Polar Trench' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¾ (77.5%, Very Good)
1 The Light in the Fog ****¼ (4.25)
2 Polar Trench ****¼ (4.25)
3 Heiro ***¼ (3.25)
4 Glyphics ***¾ (3.75)
Rating = 77.5% Very Good
Total = 15.5 out of 20
Overall, Pike 99 is a highly enjoyable listen. The opening track leads you to believe the album is going one way but then it completely shifts direction into all out Hendrix style assault, and it works. And even though the 4 tracks are primarily jam based rather than structured compositions, they're excellent jams, well paced and well executed.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 100
The Mighty Microscope
Pike 100 'The Mighty Microscope' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (71.5%, Very Good)
1. The Mighty Microscope *** (3)
2. Phase Yellow ****¼ (4.25)
3. Inner Space ***½ (3.5)
Rating = 71.5% Very Good
Score= 11 out of 15
Overall, Pike 100 is a solid enjoyable album, it does lean far more towards on the fly jamming rather than structured compositions, which might not be to everyone's taste. But there's plenty to enjoy, and when those jams really lock you in and Buckethead let's rip, like track 2's 'Phase Yellow', it's a helluva ride.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 101
In the Hollow Hills
Pike 101 'In the Hollow Hills' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (71%, Very Good)
1. In the Hollow Hills ***¼ (3.25)
2. Ghosts of Broken Eggs ****¼ (4.25)
3. Bumper Cars **½ (2.5)
4. Seas and Stars ****¼ (4.25)
Rating = 71.5% Very Good
Score= 14.25 out of 20
Overall, Pike 101 is an enjoyable album, focusing more on slow subtle brilliance rather than flashy guitar work. And whilst tracks 1 and 3 are enjoyable, it's track 2 and 4, 'Ghosts of Broken Eggs' and 'Seas and Stars' that really leave a lasting impression, that elevate the album and are two tracks you'll come back to many times. Both of those songs are a hit, and they hit deep.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 118 'Elevator'
Pike 118 'Elevator' ⭐⭐⭐¾ (59%, Average)
1. 10th Floor *** (3)
2. 11th Floor ** (2)
3. 12th Floor ***½ (3.5)
4. 13th Floor ***¼ (3.25)
5. Flower and Headcheese Festival *** (3)
Rating = 59% Average
Score= 14.75 out of 25
Overall, Pike 118 isn't one of Buckethead's stronger Pikes by a long way. The drum tracks on the album are especially unremarkable and at times are flat to the point of hurting the songs.
Whilst I don't feel that any of the tracks are particularly bad, in fact there's some really good moments, they're just okay but not songs I revisit often.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 126 'Tourist'
Pike 126 'Tourist' ⭐⭐⭐¾ (55%, Average)
1. Glow Worm ****¼ (4.25)
2. Tourist *** (3)
3. Ticket to Extinguish *** (3)
4. Bookend Alley **¼ (2.25)
5. Break for the Slide *¾ (1.75)
6. Storage **¼ (2.25)
Rating = 55%, Average
Score= 16.5 out of 30
Overall, Tourist starts off strong with it's first 3 tracks before veering off course and getting lost somewhere between the countryside and inbred mountain. The opening track is fantastic, and tracks 2 & 3 are enjoyable. But the remaining 3 tracks are nothing we haven't heard before and not ones you'd revisit again, especially considering he's done far better in the same style many times before.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 127 'Paint to the Tile'
Pike 127 'Paint to the Tile' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (72%, Very Good)
1. Paint to the Tile **** (4)
2. Rattle **** (4)
3. Shell ***¼ (3.25)
4. Faire Realm *** (3)
5. Imprint 1 ***¾ (3.75)
Rating = 72%, Very Good!
Score= 18 out of 25
Overall, Pike 127 is one of the more enjoyable, better flowing and more diverse pike albums out there, having everything from chill to rock to alt rock to blues. Whilst the songs are good by themselves, the real enjoyment lies in listening to the album as a whole. This is a Pike that's not often talked about, but needs to be.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 130
'Down in the Bayou Part Two'
Pike 130 'Down in the Bayou Part Two' ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (62.5%, Good)
1. Critter *** (3)
2. Marshmallow **½ (2.5)
3. Water Gardens ***¼ (3.25)
4. Down in the Bayou Part Two ***¾ (3.75)
Rating = 62.5%, Good
Score= 12.5 out of 20
Overall, as a stand alone album Pike 130 takes it time to find its footing but eventually delivers towards the latter part of the album. If comparing it as a sequel to Pike 131 which other than by name, there's seemingly no connection between the albums, with one being southern blues driven and the other being slow metal. Then Pike 131 is far superior with far more character. Still, this album has its moments, especially it's title track which you'll revisit and crank up to 11 plenty of times.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 131
'Down the Bayou Part One'
Pike 131 'Down the Bayou Part One' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (71%, Very Good)
1. Down the Bayou Part One **** (4)
2. Swamplands ***½ (3.5)
3. Moss ***¾ (3.75)
4. Murky Waters *** (3)
Rating = 71% Very Good!
Score= 14.25 out of 20
Overall, Pike 131 is everything it's labeled as, it's Buckethead down in the bayou playing slow southern blues. A lot of times you'll see Buckethead's album titles, cover art and song names and have no idea what they mean but with 'Down the Bayou' the albums cover art, title and song titles match the vibe of each song on the album to perfection.
Down the Bayou has a ton of character, is an understated gem and an album that I revisit often. If you're looking for flashy, jaw dropping Buckethead this isn't the album, this is Buckethead setting a scene, painting a picture and taking us along for the ride.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 157 'Upside Down Skyway'
Pike 157 'Upside Down Skyway' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (73%, Very Good)
1. Caterpillar Invasion **¼ (2.25)
2. Skull Rock Cove **** (4)
3. Suspension Bridge **** (4)
4. Upside Down Skyway ****¾ (4.75)
5. Kendo Training Port *** (3)
6. Braking Zones *** (3)
7. Insects ****½ (4.5)
Rating = 73% Very Good!
Score= 25.5 out of 35
Overall, other than the albums fairly weak opening track, Pike 157 is solid with 4 out of the 6 remaining tracks being what I consider to be 4 star songs and above, those being 'Skull Rock Cove' 'Suspension Bridge' 'Upside Down Skyway' and 'Insects'.
For whatever reason, Pike 157 has never quite gained the recognition it deserves among other big name Pikes, possibly because the tracks feel more like jams than structured compositions? But, make no mistake, this Pike is top notch!
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 162 'Four Forms'
Pike 162 'Four Forms' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (67%, Good)
1. Midnight Sun ***** (5)
2. Four Forms ***¾ (3.75)
3. Collapse Surface ***¼ (3.25)
4. Open Warp ** ¾ (2.75)
5. Dripping Castle ****¼ (4.25)
6. Ricochet Laser **¼ (2.25)
7. Thing from the Sea **¼ (2.25)
Rating = 67% Good
Total = 23.5 out of 35
Overall Pike 162 is an enjoyable listen especially when exploring it's futuristic cyberpunk themes.
'Midnight Sun' 'Four Forms' and 'Dripping Castle' are the clear standout tracks, with the remaining songs being decent enough but not ones that'll leave a lasting impression like the glorious 3 tracks mentioned.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 166 'Region'
Pike 166 'Region' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (89%, Awesome)
1. Region **** (4)
2. Castle Stairs **** (4)
3. River of Liquid Fire ***** (5)
4. Clock Striking ****¼ (4.25)
5. Ancient Desert ***** (5)
Rating = 89% Awesome!
Total = 22.25 out of 25
Overall Pike 166 from beginning to end is as close to perfection as you'll ever get. From the guitar tone to the solo's to feeling, everything is on point and faultless. Take any one of the 5 songs off this Pike and put them on another Pike and more often than not, it'll be the best track on there. Pike 166 is easily one of the best Pikes and albums Buckethead has ever produced, and it might even be THE best. It's certainly in the conversation.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 173 'The Blob'
Pike 173 'The Blob' ⭐⭐⭐¼ (49%, Average)
1. Blob Enters the Room **¾ (2.75)
2. Blob Digs a Hole *** (3)
3. Blob Goes Upstairs *¾ (1.75)
4. Blob Finds Ancient Scroll ***¼ (3.25)
5. Blob Gets Drink of Water **¼ (2.25)
6. Blob Goes to Sleep *¾ (1.75)
Rating = 49%, Average
Score= 14.75 out of 30
Overall, Pike 173 is far from being a solid pike. With the exception of track 4 'Blob Finds Ancient Scroll' the songs are fairly unremarkable. There's some nice ideas sprinkled throughout but unfortunately the majority of the tracks don't reach their full potential. 'The Blob' is not a Pike I've revisited often and after re listening for this review, it's probably not one I'll go back to anytime soon.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 209 'Rooms of Illusions'
Pike 209 'Rooms of Illusions' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (87%, Awesome!)
1. Rooms of Illusions Part 1 ***¾ (3.75)
2. Rooms of Illusions Part 2 ***¾ (3.75)
3. Rooms of Illusions Part 3 ****½ (4.5)
4. Rooms of Illusions Part 4 ***** (5)
5. Rooms of Illusions Part 5 ****¾ (4.75)
Rating = 87%, Awesome!
Score= 21.75 out of 25
Overall, Pike 209 'Rooms of Illusions' is Buckethead at his absolute finest. A true musicians album, it's easily one of the best Pikes Buckethead has ever released, especially when it comes to long compositions and rhythm, emotion and melody. A 29 minute suite that grows and grows and evolves with each track. Glorious.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 212 'Hornet'
Pike 212 'Hornet' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (80%, Awesome!)
1. Hornet Part 1 ****¼ (4.25)
2. Hornet Part 2 ****½ (4.5)
3. Hornet Part 3 ***¾ (3.75)
4. Hornet Part 4 **** (4)
5. Hornet Part 5 ***½ (3.5)
Rating = 80%, Awesome!
Score= 20 out of 25
Overall, Pike 212 is a thoroughly enjoyable listen, a top tier Pike and one you can come back to many times. The first 3 parts are mesmerizing and beautiful, with part 4 taking it home with its long solo, even if the album didn't really need it and could've easily continued with more of the same.
And although Part 5 is out of place, it's not too far out, it's still enjoyable and doesn't take anything away from the album. As mentioned, I regard Pike 212 as a sequel to the superior Pike 209, but both are fantastic and blend together excellently.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 216 'Wheels of Ferris'
Pike 216 'Wheels of Ferris' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (71%, Very Good!)
1. Saw See ***¾ (3.75)
2. Forgotten Factory ***¼ (3.25)
3. Lamp *** (3)
4. Wheels of Ferris ***¾ (3.75)
5. Stapler ***½ (3.5)
6. B Train to Bronx ***¾ (3.75)
7. Wax Barrell ***¾ (3.75)
Rating = 71% Very Good!
Score= 24.75 out of 35
Overall, Pike 216 is a solid album from start to finish. Even though there's no out and out guitar solo's and doesn't have those flashy wow moments, the riffs, rhythm and progressions are excellent. And whilst the tracks are good by themselves, the real enjoyment comes from the album as a whole. It's well arranged and is one of the better flowing Pikes out there.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 217 - Pike Doors
Pike 217 'Pike Doors' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (83%, Awesome!)
1. Door One **** (4)
2. Door Two ****¼ (4.25)
3. Door Three ****¼ (4.25)
Rating = 83% Awesome
Score= 12.5 out of 15
Overall, Pike 217 is right up there for being one of Buckethead's best ever pike albums. Each track is excellently done, diverse in it's delivery, showcasing subtle brilliance, technical brilliance and composition. And whilst everyone will have their own favorite Door from the album, most Buckethead fans will agree, that Pike 217 is outstanding.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 218 'Old Toys'
Pike 218 'Old Toys' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (89%, Awesome!)
1. Old Toys ***** (5)
2. Zone Ahead ***¾ (3.75)
3. Mount Shasta ***** (5)
4. Oak Island ***** (5)
5. Exit 46 ***¾ (3.75)
6. Valley of the Fog ****¼ (4.25)
Rating = 89% Awesome!
Score= 26.75 out of 30
Overall, Pike 218 is quite simply one of the absolute best Pike albums Buckethead has ever released. Every track you can listen to multiple times with each having a different vibe and feel than the next, whilst at the same time staying overall cohesive. Every song is on point and thought out, when he needs to be flashy he is, when he needs to be subtle and reel it in he does and so on. As an album to enjoy from start to finish that showcases multiple styles and directions, this might well be the best of the bunch. It's certainly in the conversation and it's certainly a genuine 5 star album. Love it.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 219
'Rain Drops on Christmas'
Pike 219 'Rain Drops on Christmas' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (68%, Good)
1. Rain Drops on Christmas **** (4)
2. Puddles ***¾ (3.75)
3. The Cookie Monster ***½ (3.5)
4. I Know You Know What that Present Is *** (3)
5. ...But Don't tell me **¾ (2.75)
Rating = 68% Good
Score= 17 out of 25
Overall, Pike 219 is an enjoyable Pike but somewhat disjointed in it's song choices. Going from heartfelt ballads to growling riffs and ending with shred. Which at times can definitely work, but because tracks 4 and 5 don't quite hit the mark, not so much here. Thankfully the first 3 tracks are top notch and by themselves are worth the price of admission.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 240 - Chart
Pike 240 'Chart' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (81.5%, Awesome!)
1. Chart ***¼ (3.25)
2. Granite Track **** (4)
3. Glowing Gate ***** (5)
Rating = 81.5%, Awesome!
Score= 12.25 out of 15
Overall Pike 240 is an excellent enjoyable Pike from start to finish. Each song is different to the next and get better and grander as the album goes along. As much as Buckethead has earned a name and reputation for having breathtaking solos and powerhouse riffs, it's these longer compositions that rely on rhythm, melody, progression and atmosphere that really make Buckethead shine above the rest. With 'Glowing Gate' being the shining example. A master musician at work.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 242 -
Hamdens Hollow
Pike 242 'Hamdens Hollow' ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (62%, Good)
Section 1 ** ¼ (2.25)
Section 2 *** (3)
Section 3 *** ¼ (3.25)
Section 4 **¾ (2.75)
Section 5 ***½ (3.5)
Section 6 ***½ (3.5)
Section 7 ***½ (3.5)
Section 8 *** (3)
Section 9 **¾ (2.75)
Section 10 ***¼ (3.25)
Section 11 ***¼ (3.25)
Rating = 62%, Good
Score= 34 out of 55
Overall Pike 242 might be a quote on quote 'shred' album, which I'm personally not a huge fan of shred and on occasions can become tiresome but this is shred done right. In the right places at the right times, mixed in with some outstanding and heavily underrated riffs. The album does get off to an up down start but really kicks into gear from Section 5 onwards.
Even if you're not a fan of shred guitar I'd highly recommend this album as it might be the one Buckethead shred album that could change your mind.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 243 -
Santa's Toy Workshop
Pike 243 'Santa's Toy Workshop' ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (63.5%, Good)
1. Roudy Elves in Workshop ***¼ (3.25)
2. Assembly Line of Monsters and Robots ***¼ (3.25)
3. Winds Through Antlers ***¾ (3.75)
4. Blitzen Goes Berserk ***¼ (3.25)
5. Santa's 20 Minutes Away *** (3)
6. Wrapped Mego Monsters Under the Tree ***¼ (3.25)
7. Reindeer Rampage **½ (2.5)
Rating = 63.5%, Good
Score= 22.25 out of 35
Overall Pike 243 is a Christmas album unlike any other. I love that the album has a theme, using each track name to progress the story, which really helps in embracing the songs more and adding to their enjoyment. Sure none of the songs are instant classics but as an overall album, this one works.
Avant garde off the wall Buckethead isn't for everyone, and at times can go too far off the rails, such as Pike 6's 'Balloon Cement'. But when its done right, it's a joy to listen to and a real eye opener. And that's what Pike 243 is, a joy to listen to.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 246 - Nettle
Pike 246 'Nettle' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (70%, Very Good!)
1. Nettle *** (3)
2. Praying **** (4)
3. Storms **** (4)
4. Barren Part 1 ***½ (3.5)
5. Barren Part 2 ***¾ (3.75)
6. Open Ancient *** (3)
7. Leaving Shells ***¼ (3.25)
Rating = 70%, Very Good
Score= 24.5 out of 35
Overall, Pike 246 flows well as an album and is a very enjoyable Pike. 'Praying' 'Storms' and 'Barren Part 1 & 2' are the easy standouts, and the rest of the album doesn't disappoint. There's no weak or bad tracks, and it has some of Buckethead's most memorable and easily accessible riffs to date. Good stuff.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 248- Adrift in
Pike 248 'Adrift in Sleepwakefulness' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (86%, Awesome!)
1. Half See ***¾ (3.75)
2. Dreaming Frequencies ***** (5)
3. Empty Scroll ***¼ (3.25)
4. Salvage the Fragments ***** (5)
5. Stare into Trance ****½ (4.5)
6. Adrift in Sleepwakefulness ****¼ (4.25)
Rating = 86%, Awesome!
Score= 25.75 out of 30
Overall, Pike 248 is easily one of the best Pike albums Buckethead has ever released. It's clear that he put a lot more time and thought into this one, with the overall vibe and production value feeling far more refined.
It's one of the Pikes I've listened to the most since it's release and it never gets old. And whilst some people will happily wax lyrical about every Buckethead song and album being 5 star classics, all that does is take away from the albums that genuinely are. And Pike 248 is genuinely 5 stars. Unique and brilliant.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 252 -
Bozo in the Labyrinth
Pike 252 'Bozo in the Labyrinth' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (71%, Very Good!)
1. Mirrors of the Sleeping Mind ***½ (3.5)
2. Cliff Faces ***¾ (3.75)
3. Flooded Ballroom **** (4)
4. Branch ***¼ (3.25)
5. The Chambers ***½ (3.5)
6. Bozo in the Labyrinth ***¼ (3.25)
Rating = 71% Very Good
Score=21.25 out 30
Overall, Pike 252 is a solid album with a great mix of tracks and styles from blues rock, shred, futuristic, avant garde and more. From start to finish it flows excellently, none of the tracks outstay their welcome and are ones you can revisit numerous times. Pike 252 might be one of the better examples of an album you can show to new fans or people who have never heard of Buckethead, to show them that he can do it all.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 255 -
Abominable Snow Scalp
Pike 255 'Abominable Snow Scalp' ⭐⭐⭐⭐¼ (65.5%,Good)
1. Abominable Snow Scalp ***** (5)
2. Floorascents *** (3)
3. Headless Reflection *** (3)
4. Pluriverse ***¼ (3.25)
5. Crator Ridge ***¼ (3.25)
6. Door Along the Wall **¾ (2.75)
7. Pincushion **¾ (2.75)
Rating = 65.5%, Good
Score= 23 out of 35
Overall, Pike 255 is a fairly solid Pike. The guitar tone and sound throughout is absolutely fantastic and really elevates a majority of the songs. The title track is easily the album standout, an instant classic and the rest of the album doesn't disappoint. At times it might get a bit too shreddy for some people, but other than track 3 'Headless Reflection' it's used sparingly. The one big obvious let down of the album is the drum tracks that are really poor, flat and generic, which is a such a shame because the guitar work is top notch and deserved much better.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here
Pike 264 - Poseidon
Pike 264 'Poseidon' ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ (70%, Very Good!)
1. Poseidon Part 1 **** (4)
2. Poseidon Part 2 ***¼ (3.25)
3. Poseidon Part 3 ***¾ (3.75)
4. Poseidon Part 4 ***½ (3.5)
5. Poseidon Part 5 ***½ (3.5)
6. Poseidon Part 6 ***¾ (3.75)
Rating = 72.5% Very Good
Score= 21.75 out of 30
Overall, Poseidon is one of the many solid multiple part suites that Buckethead does so well. And unlike some of the other suites, such as Pike 89's 'Time Travelers Dream', the songs can be broken up and listened to individually without feeling out of place. The album flows nicely and the solo's are outstanding. The riffs on display might not be ones you'll immediately be able to recall, but they're still effective enough overall.
Buy the album here (Official site)
Full Song Breakdown here